Amur Gas Processing Plant fifth train startup underway
Startup and commissioning of the Amur Gas Processing Plant's fifth production train is underway, Alexei Miller, CEO of gas giant Gazprom, said on a year-end conference call. "We launched the fourth train of the Amur Gas Processing Plant in 2024. This really was a good operating challenge for Gazprom, and Gazprom coped with this challenge. Now we have begun commissioning the fifth train," he said.
Amur GPP, which is located in Svobodny, Amur Region, will be one of the largest natural gas processing plants in the world upon completion, with throughput capacity of 42 billion cubic meters of gas per year. It will include six trains with capacity for 7 bcm of raw gas per year. The launch of the plant is being synchronized with the expansion of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline.
Two identical gas leaks and fires occurred in the course of the startup and commissioning of equipment designed and delivered by the German company Linde: on the second line in October 2021 and on the first train in January 2022. Three months after the second fire, in March 2022, Linde announced it was suspending projects in Russia.
Gazprom put the first and second trains that suffered fire damage into operation in 2023; the third and fourth trains are also now operating.
The Amur Region Arbitration Court is hearing a lawsuit for 86 billion rubles filed by Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk LLC, the customer and operating organization of the Amur Gas Processing Plant, concerns "numerous violations in the design and technical documentation for equipment supplied by Linde."
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