
Wearing in PEEK seals


Pressure rise across successive compression stages requires seals at the impeller eye and rotor shaft to prevent gas backflow from the discharge to the inlet end of the compressor.

All-electric LNG maximizes process control in the Arctic


In the high latitudes of Norway, 300 mi above the Arctic Circle on the remote island of Melkøya, is Equinor’s Hammerfest LNG plant.

LNG looks to digitalization to ease the pressure of a tight fiscal market


Natural gas, as the cleanest-burning hydrocarbon and in its abundance, is a significant part of the future energy mix.

Process selection for deep COS removal from feed gas


A plan by Saudi Aramco to increase Saudi Arabia's crude processing capacity includes grassroots facilities for processing approximately 2,500 MMsft3d of feed gas from various offshore fields.

Business Trends: China pushes shale gas drilling amid corporate shakeups


In what appears to be a move to increase domestic energy production and self-reliance, as well as boost competition among foreign companies, China is reorganizing its state-owned energy firms and widening the invitation to shale gas drillers.

Executive Viewpoint: Innovative DCS targets biogas, LNG applications


New technologies, both process and digital, are revitalizing the hydrocarbon processing industry. Gas Processing & LNG talked with Jani Hautaluoma, Director of Process Automation for Valmet Automation, about the application of new production processes and digital advances for biogas and LNG production.

Editorial Comment: A brighter future for methane hydrates?


Methane hydrates are three-dimensional ice-lattice structures in which natural gas is trapped.

Case study: Improve gas processing by controlling condensation


Improved condensation and capture of NGL and water in natural gas cuts costs, maximizes production value, and avoids costly maintenance. .

Gas processing technology for new engineers


Historically, natural gas has been distributed as a priority in the industrial sector, given the greater territorial concentration of consumption and the consequent lower supply cost.

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7th annual EMGC to return to Nicosia, Cyprus on 11–12 March

U.S. Industry Metrics


The U.S. has been a net exporter of gas for more than a year, with a sharp rise in exports in 2019 helped by an increase in LNG shipments from eight new trains at three projects: Cameron LNG, Freeport LNG and Elba Island LNG.

Global Project Data


Hydrocarbon Processing’s Construction Boxscore Database and Gulf Energy Information’s Energy Web Atlas are tracking more than 420 active gas processing/LNG projects around the world.

Create a data compilation and management program for heat exchangers


Heat is a valuable resource in the gas processing, refining and petrochemicals industries, and the loss of it should be avoided. Process engineers spend much time working to save and use heat in the best way possible, designing and then maintaining plants so that heat can be fully utilized.

Cost-effective, modular technologies for butane, propane and NGL treating


Hydrocarbon processing plants often encounter challenges with feedstocks containing high levels of mercaptans, which concentrate in hydrocarbon condensates and NGL when the mercaptans are not removed upstream by the acid gas removal unit (AGRU) or molecular sieve unit.

Editorial Comment


Australia and Middle Eastern countries, which have been net LNG exporters, are now foraying into LNG imports due to supply issues.

Industry Focus: Mixed performance for Africa’s gas markets in 2019 poses questions for next decade


As 2020 begins, Africa’s gas market is left with a mixed bag of achievements that only partly confirms a prediction by the International Gas Union (IGU) in early 2019 that the continent’s natural gas segment is “facing a potential turning point.”

Regional Focus: North American NGL to boom alongside petrochemicals


Strong natural gas production and rapidly rising demand from petrochemicals makers have resulted in record-high production of natural gas plant liquids in North America, particularly in the U.S. This growth has been led by ethane.

Business Trends: Four challenges to Australia’s rising role in the global LNG market


The past 10 yr have been the decade of natural gas, but the next 10 yr will belong to LNG as countries race to build out their export capacity.

Avoid costly startup delays with a MAC


Almost every oil and gas company has experienced the chaos that comes with trying to finish a startup in its final days. The good news is that this does not have to be the status quo. Steps can be taken to dramatically reduce integration challenges and keep projects on time and on budget.

Reduce gas dehydration costs with high-efficiency mixing


The gas dehydration process is typically carried out using a large contactor tower, where glycol [typically triethylene glycol (TEG), ethylene glycol (MEG) or diethylene glycol (DEG)] enters counter-currently to the process gas for optimum contact between glycol and gas during mass transfer.

Global Project Data


<i>Hydrocarbon Processing’s</i> Construction Boxscore Database and Gulf Energy Information’s Energy Web Atlas is tracking more than 420 active gas processing/LNG projects around the world.

U.S. Industry Metrics


On November 4, the thousandth LNG export cargo was shipped from the U.S. since the start of LNG exports from the Lower 48 States in February 2016.

Sectionalizing valve location on an onshore buried gas pipeline


In onshore buried natural gas pipelines, sectionalizing valves are used to divide the pipeline into smaller segments that can be isolated in an emergency case or when needed to allow for operation, inspection and maintenance activities.

Manage contaminants in LNG feed gas and cryogenic processing—Part 2


Part 1 of this article reviewed requirements for contamination management, common issues in LNG processing and feed gas contamination. Part 2 presents a case study to demonstrate how proactive contamination sampling and onsite testing prevented a plant shutdown and revealed a solution to avert further problems.

Delivering asset data integrity through digitization and standardization


During the lifecycle of an asset—from capital project activities through operations and maintenance and to end-of-life—data about the asset are handed over numerous times, from engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) firms, various supply chain partners, owner-operators, and internally within each of these organizations.

Optimization of BOG management during LNG unloading with dynamic simulation


In LNG receiving terminals, the dynamic nature of boiloff gas (BOG) generation in the unloading process can be difficult to understand, and BOG management can be challenging.

Executive Viewpoint: Back to production: Where we’re going, we don’t need pipelines


What if a cost-effective way existed to extract and distribute natural gas, regardless of proximity to pipeline, and bring those assets back to production? What if the industry went in a direction that did not need pipelines? For those looking to monetize unproductive natural gas assets or bring unproductive wells back to production, it would be revolutionary.

Regional Focus: Australia to boost LNG exports despite domestic gas shortage


Australia is planning further increases in LNG production and exports over the next decade, despite quickly depleting reserves and a looming supply shortage in the domestic market.

Editorial Comment: The Future of FLNG: Less is More?


Global LNG export capacity is expected to increase by 45% between 2017 and 2022, to more than 400 metric MMtpy, with 90% of the new capacity coming from sanctioned projects in the U.S. and Australia. By 2050, this capacity is anticipated to exceed 700 MMtpy. Regasification capacity is anticipated to increase even more sharply.

Advanced modeling for monitoring centrifugal compressor operation


Ensuring safe and optimal operative conditions for compressors is a primary goal for process plants. check