Environmental considerations for construction of the Dragón-CIGMA pipeline

J. Solano, Vepica
M. Nava, Vepica

J. A. Solano and M. M. Nava, Vepica, Caracas, Venezuela Venezuelan state oil firm Petróleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) proposed the Mariscal Sucre Project (MSP) to develop offshore gas reservoirs in the northern Paria Peninsula. During early production, the transportation of non-associated gas exploitation in the Dragón field to the mainland was planned through a 36-in. gas pipeline. The pipeline was planned to stretch between the Dragón field and the Gran Mariscal Ayacucho Industrial Complex (CIGMA) in Güiria, Sucre state. The pipeline route was set to cross a small portion of the mainland, the Los Obispos Isthmus, within the Paria Peninsula National Park (PPNP). This led to a construction a


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