Uniper, Vermilion, and Rockpoint complete certified natgas supply agreement in Canada

A consortium of energy industry companies has finalized an innovative gas supply agreement that will bring responsibly sourced natural gas, as certified by Equitable Origin's EO100 Standard for Responsible Energy Development, to end users. The supply agreement between international energy company Uniper, Calgary-based gas producer Vermilion Energy and Rockpoint Gas Storage on behalf of its wholesale natural gas supplier, Access Gas Services, is the first of its kind for Rockpoint and Uniper.

"Rockpoint Gas Storage is committed to the energy transition," said Sheri Doell, Vice President, Origination and Renewable Energy. "Through our downstream owned company, Access Gas Services, Rockpoint is able to connect our customers to responsible gas producers who are committed to ESG leadership."

As part of the agreement, Uniper will offtake EO100 certified natural gas from Vermilion Energy and manage supply to Access Gas Services, a wholesale supplier that provides natural gas and related services to commercial, industrial and institutional customers in Canada.

"Demand for transparency in energy production practices and alignment with Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) principles is on the rise," said Rob Van Horne, Head of North American Gas Origination, Uniper. "We believe natural gas transactions validated by credible certification standards are the wave of the future, and we're pleased to be working with two forward-thinking organizations on this one."

The natural gas produced by Vermilion Energy is certified under the Equitable Origin EO100 Standard for Responsible Energy Development. Equitable Origin is a non-profit organization that supports responsible development of energy and natural resources. Certification under the EO100 Standard is based on an independent assessment of criteria related to ESG factors, including corporate governance; transparency and ethics; human rights; social impact and community development; Indigenous People's rights; fair labor and working conditions; and climate change, biodiversity and environment.

Vermilion Energy is one of the first natural gas producers in Canada to have its operations certified under the Standard. It achieved certification earlier this year for its West Pembina Operations after progressing through Equitable Origin's site-based certification program.


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