Taiwan imports first Ichthys LNG cargo from Australia

SINGAPORE, (Reuters) - Taiwan imported its first Ichthys liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargo from Australia, the country’s state-owned CPC Corp said.

The cargo was shipped on the LNG tanker Pacific Breeze after loading from Ichthys LNG plant on Nov. 16, according to data from Refinitiv Eikon.

It arrived at the CPC-owned Yung-An LNG terminal in Kaohsiung, Taiwan on Monday, the data showed.

The $40 billion Ichthys project shipped its first condensate on Oct. 1 and its first LNG in late October, after being delayed several times.

Japan’s Inpex Corp holds 62.245 percent of Ichthys and France’s Total has 30 percent, with the rest spread among CPC Corp and Japanese utilities Tokyo Gas, Osaka Gas, Kansai Electric, JERA Corp and Toho Gas. (Reporting by Jessica Jaganathan; Editing by Sunil Nair)


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