RWE to sell capacity at Rotterdam’s Gate LNG terminal to Shell


RWE, Germany’s second-biggest utility, agreed to sell capacity at the Gate liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Rotterdam to Royal Dutch Shell.

The accord includes the right to use the terminal from October, said Stephanie Moeller, an Essen-based spokeswoman for the German utility. She declined to provide financial details of the agreement.

Shell confirmed the accord in an e-mailed statement, saying terms of the agreement are confidential.

“Shell has entered into agreements to support the new infrastructure at the Gate terminal in Rotterdam that will enable Shell to bring own LNG to marine and road customers,” the company said.

RWE is among the terminal’s five existing long-term customers that handles 12 billion cubic meters/year of gas, according to Gate’s website. RWE will separately retain the ability to deliver the fuel to the terminal, Moeller said.

Capacity holders at Gate have the right to bring in LNG tankers, store the fuel, regasify and reload it on to ships.

The terminal’s other customers are EconGas GmbH, EON Global Commodities, Dong Energy A/S, and Eneco Holding. Gate became operational in September 2011.


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