EPA finalizes greenhouse gas permit for $1 bn gas-to-gasoline plant

DALLAS -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a final greenhouse gas (GHG) Prevention of Significant Deterioration construction permit to Natgasoline to construct a new natural gas-to-gasoline facility in Nederland, Texas.

The company plans to construct two units: a methanol plant, with a capacity of almost 1.75 million metric tons of methanol per year, as well as a methanol-to-gasoline plant, which will produce over 8 MMbbl of gasoline per year. The facility will use natural gas as a feedstock.

“The Texas economy continues to grow and add jobs, and energy projects like Natgasoline’s are an important part of that growth,” said Regional Administrator Ron Curry.
In June 2010, EPA finalized national GHG regulations, which specify that beginning on Jan. 2, 2011, projects that increase GHG emissions substantially will require an air permit.

EPA believes states are best equipped to run GHG air permitting programs. Texas is working to replace the federal implementation plan with its own State program, which will eliminate the need for businesses to seek air permits from EPA.

EPA has finalized 54 GHG permits in Texas, proposed an additional seven permits, and currently has 12 additional GHG permits in development in Texas.


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