Reduce emissions and save energy with an unconventional flare gas recovery system

A. H. Al-Tijani, Saudi Aramco
I. Ashiq, Sau

An unconventional flare gas recovery system (FGRS) can be designed without a gas compressor to collect the boiloff gas from the ethane tank to the boilers at the utility area. This innovative recovery system will provide significant capital and operating cost savings by eliminating the installation and operation of a gas compressor as part of the conventional FGRS. The FGRS scheme includes the use of a gas ejector with high-pressure motive gas to boost low-pressure ethane flare gas to the intermediate pressure, which is required to return the gas to the boilers at the utility area. The case study included here explains how the unconventional FGRS was applied at Saudi Aramco’s Yanbu NGL frac

