Gas Processing News

Adrienne Blume, Managing Editor

U.S. FERC approves Alaska LNG import project U.S. energy regulators approved a plan by Marathon Petroleum Corp.’s Trans-Foreland Pipeline Co. LLC unit to convert the Kenai LNG export plant in Alaska into an import terminal. Trans-Foreland has 2 yr to put the proposed project into service. The facility would import up to four tanker loads of LNG per year and use its boil-off gas management system to deliver imported gas to the adjacent Kenai refinery. The Kenai LNG export plant entered service in 1969, but it has not exported LNG since 2015. Nikkiso Cryogenic sells turbo line to Air Liquide Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries’ Clean Energy and Industrial Gases Group, part of Nikkiso Co. Ltd. of

